Port expansion: overcoming economic challenges and building disaster resilience.
Due to its proximity to the Dutch part of the island, the port of Galisbay faces challenges that impact its traffic and revenues. The expansion project aims to address these issues and strengthen the French side's resilience to disasters.
Economic challenges
Dynamic economic environment
— The Port of Philipsburg outperforms the Port of Galisbay due to deeper drafts and longer quays, resulting in a significant loss of local traffic.
— With the Dutch port of Philipsburg offering superior capacity, the Port of Galisbay serves primarily as an import hub, redistributing goods landed in Philipsburg to the French side. This configuration limits direct and indirect revenue generation, with additional taxes on French imports passing through the Dutch port.
— The increase in maritime traffic in the Caribbean highlights the need for Le Port de Galisbay to expand its capacity to compete with other regional ports handling transshipment.
Disaster resilience
Logistics and safety
— In 2017, Hurricane Irma exposed the limitations of the Port of Galisbay as the only operational post-disaster port, managing emergency logistics for the entire island.
— The expansion project aims to address safety concerns by increasing capacity to accommodate larger vessels and streamline emergency response logistics.
Prior consultation:
Setting, objectives, contact
Regulatory context
By referral to the Commission Nationale du Débat Public (CNDP) on May 19, 2023, the Saint-Martin port authority presented the characteristics of its project and the associated issues for the territory. Following this referral, the CNDP decided that the local authority should organize a preliminary consultation with guarantors in application of article L.121-9 of the Environmental Code, in order to discuss the project in accordance with the preliminary consultation procedures defined in article L.121-8 of the same code. The Commission considered that the project would have a significant impact on the environment, and that it would also have major regional development and socio-economic implications. Two guarantors have been appointed by the CNDP to accompany this consultation process: Mrs Ilaria Casillo and Mr Roger Annicette.
Consultation objectives
The aim of this prior consultation is to share the environmental challenges, socio-economic impacts, development and regional integration issues with the stakeholders and populations concerned by the project, with a view to forming an informed decision. This phase of dialogue will make it possible to gather the views and proposals of the various stakeholders, with a view to enriching the decision that will subsequently be taken by the project owner.
Legal framework
Concertation is in line with Article L. 121-15-1 of the French Environment Code, emphasizing transparent information, consideration of alternatives and fair participation.
Post-consultation stages
The project owner will produce a document summarizing the contributions made by participants and the decisions taken during the consultation process. These documents will be included in the administrative authorization application file for the subsequent public inquiry, a crucial stage before the project is declared to be in the public interest.
Port de Galisbay
Albéric ELLIS General Manager: aellis@portdemarigot.com
Ilaria Casillo : ilaria.casillo@debatpublic.fr
Roger Annicette : roger.annicette@garant-cndp.fr
Consultation workshops
Get involved:
Workshop registration
📺 Replay all sessions on Facebook.
→ February 26 - 6pm - 8pm:
Opening - Kick-off Meeting
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ February 27 - 5:30pm:
What global development perspectives for Saint-Martin with its harbor?
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ February 28 - 5:30pm:
Environmental Issues
Grand Case Beach Club - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ February 29 - 5:30pm:
How does the harbor expansion serve the development of tourism in Saint-Martin?
Grand Case Beach Club - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ March 1 - 5:30pm:
Impacts on the drinking water plant
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ March 16 - 9am - 3pm:
Open House Day
Port of Galisbay
→ March 18 - 5:30pm:
How does the harbor expansion serve the development of commerce in Saint-Martin?
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ March 19 - 5:30pm:
The cost and financing of the project
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ March 21 - 5:30pm:
The Workshop of Alternatives
Grand Case Beach Club - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ March 22 - 5:30pm:
Cargo port, marina, what articulation tomorrow?
CCISM - PDF Presentation ↓ | PDF Report ↓
→ April 12 - 5pm:
CCISM - Closing meeting ↓
Consultation files
CNDP's opinion on the project lead's response
CNDP: Commission nationale du débat public Décision relative à l'extension du port de commerce de Galysbay
size: 70.04 KB updated: 7 months ago
size: 70.04 KB updated: 7 months ago
The project lead's response to the CNDP actors
Consultation's report and conclusion
Consultation files
Environmental studies
The first document, entitled "0 - List of environmental studies", lists all the studies also available and listed below:
Opinions and questions
Opinions, questions, contributions and suggestions concerning the project.
Please send us your opinions, questions, contributions or proposals by filling in the following form: